Shipping cost BRD with DHL
Insurance up to 500,- EUR included
Insurance up to 2.500,- EUR +6,00,- EUR
- up to 20 Kg 5,90 €
- 20 Kg up to 31,5 Kg 10,00 €
Shipping cost EU with DHL
Insurance up to 500,- EUR included
Insurance up to 2.500,- EUR +12,00,- EUR
Azoren (PT) Isle of Man (GB) Österreich
Balearen (ES) Italien Polen
Belgien Korsika (FR) Portugal
Bulgarien Lettland Rumänien
Dänemark Litauen Schweden
Estland Luxemburg Slowakei
Finnland Madeira (PT) Slowenien
Frankreich Malta Spanien
Griechenland Monaco Tschechische Rep.
Großbritannien Niederlande Ungarn
Irland Nordirland (GB) Zypern, Rep.
- up to 5 Kg 16,00 €
- from 5 Kg up to 10 Kg 22,00 €
- from 10 Kg up to 20 Kg 32,00 €
- from 20 Kg up to 31 Kg 42,00 €
Shipping cost Switzerland
Insurance up to 500,- EUR included
Insurance up to 2.500,- EUR +12,00,- EUR
Shipping to Switzerland only up to 1.000 EUR (simplified customs proceedings)
- up to 10 Kg 36,00 EUR +12,00 EUR Transport Insurance up to 1.000 EUR invoice value of goods
- from 10 Kg up to 20 Kg 50,00 EUR +12,00 EUR Transport Insurance up to 1.000 EUR invoice value of goods
- from 20 Kg up to 31,5 Kg 59,00 EUR +12,00 EUR Transport Insurance up to 1.000 EUR invoice value of goods
Shipping cost Europe / Non-EU with DHL
Insurance up to 500,- EUR included
Insurance up to 2.500,- EUR +12,00,- EUR
Shipping is possible only up to 1.000 EUR (simplified customs proceedings)
Åland-Inseln (FI) Gibraltar Moldau, Rep.
Albanien Grönland (DK) Montenegro
Andorra Island Norwegen
Armenien Kanalinseln (GB) Russische Föderation
Aserbaidschan Kanar. Inseln (ES) San Marino
Belarus Kasachstan Schweiz
Berg Athos (GR) Kosovo (serb. Prov.) Serbien
Bosnien u. Herzegowina Kroatien Svalbard und Jan Mayen
Campione d'Italia (IT) Liechtenstein Türkei
Ceuta (ES) Livigno (IT) Ukraine
Färöer (DK) Mazedonien Vatikan
Georgien Melilla (ES) Zypern, Rep. (Nordteil)
- up to 5 Kg 35,00 €
- from 5 Kg up to 10 Kg 40,00 €
- from 10 Kg up to 20 Kg 50,00 €
Shipping cost Near East nd North America with DHL
Insurance up to 500,- EUR included
Insurance up to 2.500,- EUR +12,00,- EUR
Shipping is possible only up to 1.000 EUR (simplified customs proceedings)
Ägypten Jordanien Oman
Algerien Kanada Saudi-Arabien
Bahrain Katar Syrien
Irak Kuwait Tunesien
Iran Libanon Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Israel Libyen
Jemen Marokko
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
- up to 5 Kg 45,00 €
- from 5 Kg up to 10 Kg 60,00 €
- from 10 Kg up to 20 Kg 95,00 €
Shipping Time
Shipment of goods with DHL usually takes 2 to 3 business day`s.
For Countries outside the EU this can take up to 10-15 business days due to customs in that Country.